PRECIOSA Rocailles are the most used type of glass seed beads.
These round-shaped seed beads are manufactured using unique technology for cutting glass tubes with round or square holes into various sized pieces which are then rounded and polished when hot and subsequently classed by size and shape.
The PRECIOSA Rocailles are produced in sizes from 1.5 mm to 8 mm and the sizes of the Czech PRECIOSA seed beads are stated using the traditional so-called zero series. The regular sizes range from the smallest 16/0 through to the largest 1/0, while rarities also include the four large sizes of 31, 32, 33 and 34, known colloquially as potatoes.
We divide the PRECIOSA Rocailles into so-called uncoated and coated rocailles according to the level of their subsequent finish. Whereas uncoated rocailles are left with the pure glass finish, a coated rocaille is given a further surface finish, for example colouring, galvanising or other types of decoration.
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